Wouldn't it be nice to fully enjoy this life you have worked so hard to build?

*CME accredited

When you signed up to become a physician you probably didn’t realize it would be this hard or affect your life so much.

The good news is - It doesn’t have to.

I have helped hundreds of women physicians just like you. And I can help you too.

I'm So Ready!










  Wouldn't it be nice to fully enjoy this life you've worked so hard to build?

When you signed up to become a physician you probably didn’t realize it would be this hard or affect your life so much.

The good news is - It doesn’t have to.

I have helped hundreds of women physicians just like you. And I can help you too.

*CME Available
I'm So Ready!


 May 7th - June 28th 2025




As a doctor, you are sprinting all day.

You don’t even have time to enjoy your coffee hot. All sorts of people need your time and attention and it's a lot to carry. Not even your family can always understand. 

New Attending? 

You might wonder if you are really cut out for medicine, because every day is such a juggle.  You find yourself looking things up endlessly and wondering how colleagues leave on time. You are constantly bring home your charts and wondering how to sustain this pace. 

Well established in your role? 

Some days you feel disconnected from the job you have worked so hard at.  You want to feel valuable again, and not have work eat up so much of your time. 

In leadership or overseeing trainees?

There is always another fire to put out. Some parts of your job keep you up at night. You don’t always know exactly what you are doing and are worried  the people around you might realize that.

New mom?

You feel like you are split between home life and work life. You struggle to keep work at work and home at home. You are nervous to ask others to cover you for things like pumping (something your male colleagues would never worry about). You feel like your heart is in two places and you can’t do either one at 100%.

At home 

You spend much of the weekend working because you are behind on your charts. You feel like you are missing out on life by working all of the time, and want to have more downtime.

It makes sense that you wonder if you made the right career choice.

You want to go on vacation uninterrupted. You want to read on the beach without worrying about your inbox. You want time to declutter your basement

You want uninterrupted time with your kids, without work being on your mind the whole time.

You want a social life - to go out and see friends or on date nights.

If you are tired of missing out on life, and feeling like work is number one, it’s time to break the cycle.

In my program, I’ll help make work and life so much easier, so you can love what you do, and do what you love again.

Over 350 women have participated in feel better. 

At completion they felt more in control, more empowered, more hopeful.


Before they joined? They felt like you do right now.


Feel Better is a safe space for all women physicians. Whether you are Black, Indigenous, Asian, Latinx, Middle Eastern, Jewish, LGBTQIA+, a parent, single, partnered, or navigating any unique journey—we embrace all identities and continually work to create an environment where everyone feels seen, heard, and valued.


Imagine your life when…

You have extra-curriculars besides charting.

You get back your spark that makes you such a good doctor to your patients.

You like how you show up for your family and toss the guilt. 

*You actually pee when you have to.*

You start doing things to be healthier again instead of feeling bad for not having the motivation.  

You see yourself growing and thriving and liking what you do again. 

And you are connected to a group of people who understand you and support you.

My clients get these results, and you will too, fast.
Previous clients have said:

“It has provided me with an average of 1.5 extra hours during my work day and I've been getting home earlier...I have been less exhausted and feel more confident with my work but also in general.” - Dr. MJ

“I never spend this kind of money on myself -- but wow, I am so grateful I did! I had no idea what a rut I was in and how incredibly helpful coaching could be.”- Dr. LA

"I’ve experienced a positive impact on my personal relationships at home and have been more calm and focused with work. I feel so much more connected to women physicians around me and less alone" -Dr. SM

Your career and life are in your hands.

I’m going to teach you how to make it so much easier, and you way happier.

Let's Do This

Hi! I’m Dr. Karen Leitner, a primary care physician with more than 20 years of experience.

Let’s face it. There aren’t enough support systems or resources in place to meet women physicians where we are—overworked, underpaid, and stressed out.

I went through burnout and felt confused and isolated when it happened. I thought it was just me.

When I finally found the tools and strategies that actually worked for improving my life as a physician, I couldn’t believe the difference.

I knew I had to help other doctors break the same patterns and take their lives back. And so I did. The results have been off the charts.

I can’t wait to make your life easier when you join this program. 

You deserve to feel better.


“DO IT!!! This has been seriously life-changing!! It is so worth the investment. I loved every minute. I want to do it again! - Dr. LA









Hi! I’m Dr. Karen Leitner, a primary care physician with more than 20 years of experience.

Let’s face it. There aren’t enough support systems or resources in place to meet women physicians where we are—overworked, underpaid, and stressed out.

I went through burnout and felt confused and isolated when it happened. I thought it was just me.

When I finally found the tools and strategies that actually worked for improving my life as a physician, I couldn’t believe the difference.

I knew I had to help other doctors break the same patterns and take their lives back. And so I did. The results have been off the charts.

I can’t wait to make your life easier when you join this program. 

You deserve to feel better.


“DO IT!!! This has been seriously life-changing!! It is so worth the investment. I loved every minute. I want to do it again! - Dr. LA

There is no one who understands what your life is like than another woman physician.

I felt like it was just me who was exhausted and  wondering how to juggle it all. I didn't feel like there was any way out of the grind.

It wasn’t until I changed how I saw things that my life began to change.

You see - 

There was nothing wrong with me and there is nothing wrong with you.

This becomes so clear when you realize how many others feel the same way. 

What I am teaching has transformed my life and done the same for thousands of other physicians. There is data on this in JAMA and Mayo Proceedings, and other peer reviewed literature. This is evidence-based. 

I’ve spent hundreds of hours mastering this material with other physician women who got incredible results.

I can’t wait to do the same for you.

There is no one who understands what your life is like than another woman physician.

I felt like it was just me who was exhausted and  wondering how to juggle it all. I didn't feel like there was any way out of the grind.

It wasn’t until I changed how I saw things that my life began to change.

You see - 

There was nothing wrong with me and there is nothing wrong with you.

This becomes so clear when you realize how many others feel the same way. 

What I am teaching has transformed my life and done the same for thousands of other physicians. There is data on this in JAMA and Mayo Proceedings, and other peer reviewed literature. This is evidence-based. 

I’ve spent hundreds of hours mastering this material with other physician women who got incredible results.

I can’t wait to do the same for you.



You will feel like yourself again.

At the end of this program, you will...

Have more time for yourself

Finish charts at work. Stop the exhausting habit of always having work on your mind. Procrastinate less and less avoidance. Waste less time on social media. Be able to say no to things you don't really want to do. Make decisions faster without all the rumination. And have more energy. 

Feel more confident in yourself and your skills  

Go after that promotion. Ask for the raise you are overdue. Do the thing you really want to but have been too scared to try. Tell them you can't cover on that day you scheduled off. Take that first trip away from baby. Go on the date. Take the exam without torturing yourself for weeks beforehand. Have peace of mind about your future whether you stay or leave medicine. 

"This program has enhanced my personal and work life more than I could have imagined." - Dr. MJ

Feel Better Overall

Go through your life with less anxiety, stress and overwhelm. 

"Coaching....Decreased my anxiety before and during each work shift. Increased my empathy and compassion towards patients and colleagues. Decreased my burnout and increased work satisfaction. Rekindled the positive feelings about medicine that I used to have." - Dr. AS

Have better relationships with your partner, family, kids and most importantly, yourself. 

Be more relaxed. Be more present with your loved ones. Stop being so hard on yourself or on others.  

"I'm learning to be kinder to myself and that has definitely helped me feel better. " - Dr. JG

"I'm more present with my kids. I'm less irritable and more grateful for my spouse." - Dr. AA

The core program materials including a workbook, live and prior recorded group coaching sessions,  private podcast, CME resources and community are immediately available within our online member portal. You will also get a customized pay report for your specialty in your geographic location. Oh, some fancy gifts just for you! 

Live Coaching

Twice a week live virtual group coaching sessions (Wednesdays from 8-10pm Est and Saturdays from 11am-1pm Est) which are then recorded and uploaded to a secure member portal.

You can watch them over and over again. These stay available to you for 1 year.

Plus a private podcast 

Audio of all the recordings so you can listen to them in your favorite podcast app (iTunes, Spotify, etc) when you are out and about. 

The next time you go in to discuss your raise, watch or listen to the negotiation session to put yourself in the optimal mindset and benefit all over again. Such a goldmine. - Karen 


A judgement-free community of women doctors who will help you realize that you are not alone. We all struggle with the same things. 

Many physicians have said time and time again this is what they loved most about the program!

In this short amount of time you feel so connected to the other women and you all want to rally behind each other - Andrea 

CME Eligible

Eligible for a maximum of 30 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™ Even in Canada.

 For resources how to ask for CME or institutional funding  click here

Get your work to pay for it. Best case they pay for it. Worse case they say no and you know you need Karen's teaching on negotiation even more now. - Anonymous

Voxer Coaching

Access to real time coaching 24/7. Record an audio or text message and receive a message with a customized strategy and plan within 24 hours. 

A client was anxious about a patient. She sent a voxer message and found a good way to think about the visit which went much better than she had hoped. Another client used voxer coaching to help strategize and fine tune her day to day workflow so she got her work done in a much shorter time. 

Small Group

Your small group of 10-12 women will meet weekly for  coaching and community (optional). 

I had no idea what a rut I was in and how incredibly helpful coaching could be. Dr. LA

Members Only Swag

I will be sending you lovely, pretty, luxurious gifts  to celebrate you during the program. 

Let's Do This!

The Curriculum

2x/week live zoom coaching sessions:

  • Wednesday evenings from 8-10 pm EST 
  • Saturday mornings from 11am -1pm EST

These are recorded so if you miss some (and you will because...LIFE) there's no problem. You can make up by watching the recordings later. Easy-Peasy. Just listen

You can join a small group (8-10 women) that will meet once a week, not to mention the Voxer and written coaching options that are included to support you. The goal is to meet you where you are. Whatever coaching you need, you will get it in a way that feels best to you!  


Customized to your learning style. 

Work at your own pace. Do all the worksheets or none of them. Your homework might be to prioritize resting.   We are trained by the toxic culture of medicine to deny our basic needs and slave away at work. We don't allow that in this program! 

However much or little of the program you choose to do, you will get what you need. 

Choose the format where you learn best. Ask for coaching live, or take the coaching you need from what someone else's coaching. You don't have to be coached directly to benefit.  

You do you.  

*Notice the varying specialties. Whatever specialty you are, this will help you. Guaranteed. 

Monica (Internal Medicine): "I'm feeling less overwhelmed with work... Overall, my mood has just been better...I have the tools avoid burnout." 


Erin (Surgery): I was worried about the time commitment ... I can work 100 hours in a week....but it was empowering actually. It was an oasis that I looked forward to each time and made me carve out time for growth and I think that alone is a message....

Joy(Obstetrics and Gynecology): "Before the program, I was feeling stuck, guilty, lost, unsure...I didn't feel comfortable about everything that was happening in my life. But now I feel like I have more choices...I feel more confident .." 


Lara(Academic Pediatrics): "What better thing is there to spend money on than your sanity, happiness, helping yourself feel better at work and at home. This unbelievable burden lifted me off now on the weekends...I have the time to spend with my family. I'm so so grateful for that..." 

Andrea (Family Medicine Department Chair): "In this short amount of time you feel so connected to those other women and you all want to rally behind each other. It has been incredibly helpful." 

Nicole (Internal Medicine Leadership) : "Normally my laptop has to be pried out of my hands...but now I left on vacation calm. It wasn't the normal chaos that I usually bring to it. I was ready I was calm....Everything was fine. 


Lourdes (Family Medicine): "Being a female physician can be hard and isolating at times. Honestly, this is the best CME investment that I’ve made in my life because you don’t learn these things in medical school, and they’re so vital for survival and to thrive in medicine. So, this was worth every cent."

Learn From The Best Coaches In The Industry

Money Mindset

Dr. Bonnie Koo


Stop Charting At Night

Dr. Sara Smith

How To Create Confidence

Brig Johnson

Time Hacking

Vikki Louise 


Dr. Kelli Harding MD

Get Rid Of Clutter

Amelia Kennedy

Brene Brown's Work

Dr. Megan Melo


Maggie Reyes


Choose the Plan That Is Right For You

Investment $6,000

Pay In Full

2 Payments of


  • Weekly Live Coaching
  • Community of supportive women physicians

  • Max 30 Credits Category 1 CME

  • Personalized Custom Pay Report
  • Extra Special Mystery Swag

  • Immediate access to the Feel Better Vault
  • **2 Payment Bonus: 2 books that change your life (The Gap and the Gain & Never Split the Difference) 
Lets Do It.

4 Payments of


  • Weekly Live Coaching
  • Community of supportive women physicians

  • Max 30 Credits Category 1 CME

  • Personalized Custom Pay Report
  • Extra Special Mystery Swag

  • Immediate access to the Feel Better Vault
Lets Do It.

Scholarships for BIPOC available. Please email us that you are interested at:

[email protected]

Risk Free Guarantee

The Feel Better Program comes with a 100% satisfaction guarantee.

I am so confident that your life and work will be transformed by the skills you develop through this training that if you attend at least four of the sessions and don't feel the fit is right for you, I will promptly refund your course fee (minus a $250 processing fee that goes to the credit card processor).  

“The group has been invaluable to me and 100% worth the cost. The life coach model and other resources provided in this program are tools I will use for the rest of my life”. - Dr. MJ


“If you could put a price on you and your family being happier, would it be more than the cost of this program? It is SO worth it!”- Dr. NB


“DO IT!!! This has been seriously life- changing- I loved every minute. I want to do it again” DR. LN



“The group has been invaluable to me and 100% worth the cost. The life coach model and other resources provided in this program are tools I will use for the rest of my life”. - Dr. MJ

“If you could put a price on you and your family being happier, would it be more than the cost of this program? It is SO worth it!”- Dr. NB

“DO IT!!! This has been seriously life- changing- I loved every minute. I want to do it again” DR. LN 

"I have seen a therapist for 8 years in part stemming from dissatisfaction with work and stress from work. I truly feel I benefited more in these 8 weeks from coaching than from 8 years of therapy particularly pertaining to work related concerns." DR. ER

"This will increase your job satisfaction, make you more productive and extend your career therefore more than paying for itself " DR. SC

"The investment in yourself will make you feel more confident and happy and will free up mental space and time- both are more valuable than money." DR LB

“This turned out to be the best investment I have made for myself. I'm more present with my kids and more calm/happy with them. I'm less irritable and more grateful for my spouse.” Dr. AA

Realizing that there are lots of physician women out there who feel the same ways I do. It has been so helpful for me to hear about other folks' struggles and triumphs.” Dr. TB

Do it! It will be the best CME you've ever done! ” Dr. AB 

Sign me up!


1.  Do employers really cover this?


Yes!!!! Most clients who ask have been pleasantly surprised when part or all of this program is covered by their employer/institution.

You are much more likely to get reimbursement and funds than you probably think. 

2. Is it really worth it? 

Think of it as an investment to save or safeguard the 20 year, $ multiple 6 figure + blood sweat and tears investment you've made into your career. 

This investment comes back to you when you enjoy your life and feel better about work, your relationships, your future, yourself. 

It comes back when you are able to negotiate the raise or promotion you deserve but hadn't known HOW or felt confident enough to ask.

We provide you with a custom pay report that includes the MGMA data for your specialty and geographic area, a $299 value, at no extra cost and Karen walks you through everything you need to be prepared for your negotiation. 

Past successes have included

  • 5 figure raise and signing bonuses
  • Lower prices on home buring
  • New roles and titles 
  • Part time or sabbaticals

One of the women in a prior cohort wanted to get out of a not great work environment and negotiated to create a department in her specialty at a highly esteemed academic institution that didn't even have that department. 

"If it helps keep in you medicine (or helps you find something better suited to you, its worth it. In the grand scheme of my $350k of medical school debt, this felt like the right investment at the right time for me. "

"  It is worth it! Also you can get CME reimbursement. "

"Already getting a return on my investment in time spent at home with my family instead of working on my inbox or ruminating over a patient outcome. " 

"This program is well worth the money spent. You only get one life and it is worth investing in." 


I'm So Ready!


It’s important to know the enormous value you’ll get in this program.

Here’s everything you’ll get in Feel Better:

  • Twice weekly live coaching, Wednesdays 8-10pm Est and Saturdays 11am-1pm EST
  • Lifetime access to all the content in the feel better vault
  • Coaching from the best coaches in the industry


  • Voxer 1-on-1 support (anytime): A life coach in your pocket


  • Personalized custom pay report($299 value) 


  • Community of supportive women physicians


  • Max 30 credits Category 1 CME


  • Extra special mystery gifts. Just because!                                      
  • Workbook and Journal to take notes and extra resources for deeper focus (optional!) 


  • **Pay in full bonus: The Gap and the Gain & Never Split the Difference; two of Karen's favorite books to help change your life




Let's Do This!



As women and healers we have been socialized to think our worth and value comes from helping others, not accepting help from others. Medical culture also stigmatizes help-seeking. If you are thinking "I'll just figure this out on my own..." I want to gently ask you...why? If you haven't figured it out by now on your own, what is your plan to help yourself and take care of yourself? This isn't the only way, but it is a wonderful way. I want to fight for you to take care of you and make the investment in yourself. 

Doing nothing differently  also usually obligates you to just more of the same meaning there is an opportunity cost to not doing this program. What does that look like for you? 

“What is the cost of not doing it? For me … I could not afford to keep doing this on my own because that was clearly not working.” ET


“Making the investment in yourself, because you’re worth it, opens the door to a new way of thinking.” Dr. AG

“You and your long-term happiness are worth so much more than the cost of this program.” Dr. MH

  “It was a great value for the money in terms of content and time! Invaluable for the ability to evaluate care for yourself in priorities in life.”
“This will increase your job satisfaction, make you more productive and extend your career therefore more than paying for itself.”
“The investment in yourself will make you feel more confident and happy and will free up mental space and time -- both are more valuable than money.”
“This turned out to be the best investment I have made for myself.”
“I'm more present with my kids and more calm/happy with them. I'm less irritable and more grateful for my spouse.” Dr. AA
“Realizing that there are lots of  physician women out there who feel the same ways I do. It has been so helpful for me to hear about other folks' struggles and triumphs.” Dr. TB
“Do it! It will be the best CME you've ever done! ” Dr. AB
“Karen is 100% invested in helping YOU; You know she is on your team! ” Dr. E B
"Thank you for all you do- I am really befitting from your coaching as an individual. And I am really learning so much from the way you coach everyone- it's teaching me a lot that I can use as a leader." Dr. HH

Frequently Asked Questions


More Of What They Say


"I used to get caught up in my thoughts...I was very stressed and anxious and unhappy...Now, I feel like I have a better set of tools when things start to get difficult."(Neuro-ICU)

"The biggest takeaway was how that voice in my mind was incredibly self-critical...learning I don't have to talk to myself that way feels life-changing to me."( Family Medicine, Academics) 

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